A commercial registered agent is an individual or entity chosen by an a corporation, organization of limited liability company (LLC), or partnership to receive tax and legal documents. The agent should be able to deliver the documents to the relevant companies they represent in a timely manner. In addition, the articles of incorporation of the company corporation or LLC should list the individual who or entity that acts as its registered agent.
Meaning of “Commercial”
In many states, commercial agents are those that register with and receive a special designation from the state. One of the main differences between commercial and noncommercial registered agents is that the former are registered with the secretary of state. States can limit the number of entities served by non-commercial resident agents.
Importance of Duties
Commercial registered agents often receive legal papers including civil complaints and subpoenas on behalf of their clients. Relevant Companies may face serious consequences for failing to respond to such legal documents including sanctions, entry of judgment against the companies, and the requirement that they paying attorney fees.
To work as a registered agent for a given company, you must be a legal resident in the state where that company filed for incorporation is formed or registered to do business. Although many individuals work as registered agents in the state of Nevada, businesses can also act as registered agents. Some of the professionals that work in such businesses include paralegals, accountants, and lawyers. Some states require registered agents to pay a fee in order to operate.
The main function of registered agents is to receive tax and legal documents including business tax notifications, annual reports, and documents related to a lawsuit from the state and deliver them to the companies or organizations that they represent. Therefore, a registered agent in Nevada is required to deliver tax and legal documents to the business he or she represents in a timely manner.